Friday, May 22, 2009


People ask why I do not have lawn signs. My answer is that I have signs on each side of my van as I patrol the streets and speak to the residents about their concerns.

You can not ask a question or get answers from a lawn sign. And its interesting to notice that a large amount of the signs are on boarded up, vacant and foreclosed properties where sometimes the grass is higher than the signs.

New curbs/sidewalks

For those families where the city chose to put in new curbs and sidewalks, just wait until you see your tax increase, In addition to that, the other candidates all want to raise everyones taxes at a time when people are losing their homes and jobs.

Shame on those candidates!!

So on June 2nd, vote for me as I intent to reduce taxes
by getting rid of political appointments.


While I mean no disrespect to Public Works who are doing what they are told, the cost of constantly refilling potholes as well as the labor costs are greater than my plant to mill and repave the streets.

Potholes sometimes have to be refilled several times a week. This is another unnecessary cost to taxpayers.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bob's Priorities and Goals

Bob’s priorities and goals:

1. Reduce property taxes
2. Clear out streets of gangs and loitering
3. Mill and repave all streets
4. Help youth and veterans get employment
5. Give more jobs to Plainfield residents through work programs so they can save their homes from foreclosure

Any questions, please call Bob at (908) 337-9928